Victory Primary School

Victory for All

Welcome to our school from the Headteacher and staff

The staff and l would like to welcome you to Victory Primary School. Our aspirations for each and every child who attends Victory Primary school are summed up in our school mission statement,  vision and motto:-

Mission statement

Victory School, we aim to create a welcoming, safe and caring environment, where all relationships are based on  kindness. Children have respect for themselves, other people and the school environment. All members of the school model a positive attitude and mutual respect, in order to  promote children’s positive self esteem and self discipline, whilst modelling and maintaining high expectations of good behaviour.  Parents and carers actively support , model and  encourage the positive behaviour of their child throughout their time at Victory school.

We believe by working together we can achieve attitudes and behaviours which impacts positively on every child’s learning experience, happiness and well-being.

School Vision

Every pupil to became active, confident and happy learners, who intrinsically strives to reach their academic, social and spiritual potential, whilst respecting themselves and others.

All staff and governors fully embrace their roles and responsibilities within the school, maintaining high expectations, pride, respect and a positive purpose.

Parents accept and understand their responsibilities for their child’s learning journey, supports their child and our school.

Victory For All !

We look forward to working together with you each and every day to achieve our shared goals!

Makeda Williams-Pinnock – Headteacher

Victory Primary School

Rodney Road, Southwark,

London SE17 1PT

Tel : 02077035722

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