Victory Primary School

Victory for All


  • Read with your child everyday  and help with looking after their book bag and reading book.
  • Support children with homework and looking after their homework.
  • Discuss behaviour expectations with your child and encourage them to behave at all times.
  • Engage in activities which will help support the child’s learning in all the curriculum areas.
  • Visit the local library regularly


It is very important that your child reads regularly with you in order to become a confident reader. It is  essential that children change their book regularly . Children should read for at least twenty minutes every day at home. Children in the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 should read/share a book every day. Older children should read aloud to an adult at home regularly, as well as reading to themselves every day.

Every child in the school is provided with a reading record. This is a booklet for parents to keep a record of when they read with their child. Please complete this record every time you read with your child and return it to school in the book bag along with the reading book.


Homework will be given at least once a week and will reinforce what is being taught in class. Please help your child with their homework  and ensure that it is returned in their book bags.

All homework will be handed out every Friday and collected on the following Wednesday.


Please note that appropriate clothing i.e. shorts/tracksuit bottoms and T-shirt must be worn for PE.  PE Kit should be bought in  a separate bag on Monday and taken home on Friday to be washed.

Please support your child by ensuring they have the correct P.E. kit for every P.E. lesson.

(See school uniform list for correct P.E. kit.)


The school does not accept responsibility for personal belongings of any sort that are bought into the school. Therefore please name all clothing, PE kits, coats, hats and gloves. Children should wear school uniform at all times.


We encourage no jewellery to be worn, but if so, plain studs  are the only jewellery that children should wear. Earrings are to be removed for P.E. and this will need to be done by the child. If jewellery needs to be worn for religious/cultural reasons, then the earrings must be covered up with plasters which the child must provide and must cover up themselves.  Please do not allow your children to wear any other jewellery.

Please remember that school starts at 8.55 a.m. and ends at 3.30 p.m.

Children should be brought in and collected on time.

Thank you for your support and for being a partner in your child’s education.

If you have any suggestions, do not hesitate to contact the school.

Victory Primary School

Rodney Road, Southwark,

London SE17 1PT

Tel : 02077035722

Email :

© Victory Primary School - 2024

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