Victory Primary School

Victory for All

Victory Primary School


Mission Statement

We wish to create a culture of learning, where children are happy, enthusiastic, motivated and ambitious.

We encourage mutual respect, support and collaboration between all adults and children, both within the school and the wider community.

We believe that it is important to provide a secure, caring and stimulating environment for all our children, thereby promoting a sense of pride in our school.

This can be done most effectively when all staff, parents and children understand their responsibilities and work together towards the same goals, as detailed in our home/school agreement.

Working in Partnership for Success

The school will:-

  1. Maintain a high standard of education, keeping in line with national government requirements, within a balanced curriculum.
  2. Care for each child’s safety and well-being.
  3. Endeavour to meet the requirements of children whatever their needs to achieve their full potential.
  4. Ensure that each classroom is a positive and stimulating learning environment.
  5. Set homework to extend the curriculum work in school.
  6. Teach children to develop a positive attitude towards everyone regardless of difference in gender, race, culture, belief, values, age, and need.
  7. Help children to understand their role in the community.

Communicate effectively and sensitively with parents:-

  1. Regular meetings to discuss the progress of children, indicating strengths and areas for development through individual targets.
  2. Provide prompt information about behaviour or class work that may be a cause for concern or celebration.
  3. Provide clear information about homework tasks.
  4. Provide short training sessions on supporting children at home in specific curriculum areas.
  5. Provide opportunities for parents to become involved in school life.
  6. Provide information to parents about school activities through regular newsletters, open days, meetings and the annual report.
  7. Make available all relevant school policies, for information.

The parents/carers will:-

  1. Make sure that each child arrives at school on time and inform the school for the reasons of any absence or lateness.
  2. Make sure children wear suitable clothing in line with the school’s code of dress and that the PE/games kit is brought to school each week.
  3. Support their children with homework tasks and ensure homework is signed by a parent/carer and returned within the set time.
  4. Attend termly consultations with the class teacher.
  5. Support and work with the school in any behaviour management programmes as outlined in the positive behaviour policy summary.
  6. Work in partnership with the school to develop positive attitudes towards those from different cultures and races and with different feelings, values and beliefs.
  7. Let the school know of any concerns that may affect their children’s work or behaviour at school or ability to do homework.
  8. Read and act upon any information sent home.
  9. Encourage other opportunities for home learning.
  10. Support the school and PTA in fundraising and other activities.
  11. Foster a positive attitude towards education and the school and use discretion when discussing issues or grievances in front of children, as these may have a negative effect on their outlook.
  12. Work in partnership with our staff to safeguard our children, and understand our school has a legal duty to share any concerns relating to children’s social, emotional or physical well-being with the local authority.

The child will:-

  1. Respect other’s culture, race, feelings, beliefs and values.
  2. Accept responsibility for the things they do. Take responsibility for school and homework and to ask for help and to do their best in all they undertake. Follow the school’s Golden rules:
  3. Ensure that they will take home all school letters.

Together we will:-

Value one another as partners with our children.

Listen to and support each other in our aim to provide the best education for our children.

Victory Primary School

Rodney Road, Southwark,

London SE17 1PT

Tel : 02077035722

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© Victory Primary School - 2024

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